

Welcome to the Cabinet

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First official update post! I've been wanting to add something like this since I first remade this site, but was always too intimidated, but I've finally gone and done it! Turns out it wasnt even that hard either (though it helps that DebtDeath's template had a basic scrollbox set up already ;P)

So! What have I added and changed?

  • Moved the webrings to the 'links' section of my about page, and replaced their widgets in the sidebar with clicky buttons.
  • Fixed my own site button, so now its inline with the webring buttons, looks much cleaner now.
  • Added a blog page! Still very eary stages, theres a lot more I plan on doing with it, but I wanted to get it up and functional for starters.
  • Moved my statuscafe from the homepage to my blog.
  • Added a cbox to my blog page.
  • And last but not least; added a proper scrollbox for news and updates to the homepage!