Before entering, keep in mind that I developed this site primarily for desktop displays - I did my best to make it somewhat mobile-friendly but there may be hiccups here and there. Sorry in advance!

Some pages on this site use Javascript, mainly places where there are image galleries and/or tabbed sections! Nothing too heavy or intrusive, but they likely won't display properly if you have JS disabled in your browser.

Speaking of images, there are a lot on this site. There are also some minor flashing/moving gifs, namely blinkies and buttons on the main page. Take care viewing my site if that's something that can trigger an attack. Image with the text 'Web MA' next to a furry panda girl. This image links to the Mab's Land website where the image originally came from.

Lastly, I am an adult and, while I don't produce NSFW content at the moment, I sometimes focus on more mature themes in my writing and work which may not be suitable for certain ages.

With all that out of the way...

Care to enter into the abyss?