note: this site contains iframes, javascript elements, and autoplaying GIFs. do keep in mind this is an adult's personal site and thus it is not a space created for a young audience in mind. furthermore, this site contains pages not optimized for mobile devices, but nothing should break if viewed on anything other than a computer.

best viewed in 1920 x 1080 or higher, compatibility uncertain on browsers other than Firefox. if you still would like to enter, click the lovely rat image above.

update log

several optimization fixes and general housekeeping.

bit of a late update but new host! neocities supporter is mad expensive, man. some links may be incorrect and this site is still a work-in-progress to begin with, so not much has changed overall.

some QOL updates i've had in the pipeline for a bit.

added index page to 'collections' and two hamtaro collection sections, for now. more to come! also general fixes (figured out responsive iframes for now).

new domain name, some alterhuman pages as well.

music minishrines now updated to be responsive, along with updates to include a partial cassette and vinyl collection. still very rough around the edges. i'd like to rework the 'discography' section of each artist showcase to instead serve as a place for informal album reviews, although this will take some time.

alt text added to assets on index and home, along with some more external site buttons

lots of housekeeping, also uploaded the toybox page (essentially a glorified adoptables hoard). planning on several sub-pages (: also whiskey begged me to keep the blue bootleg hamtaro plush somewhere on this page so he's still chilling, even with the new enter image.

been working on a responsive layout for several pages this past week. there's always room for improvement, but i figured i'd get them in an uploadable state today

moved music files from catbox to local storage. since the last update, i've mostly done general housekeeping for several pages.

log layout mostly complete, added an entry as well.

started 'tunes', unfinished, but the vansire and her's pages are mostly complete. did some restructuring of other pages as well.

'about' is up, it's been there for a little while, actually .. restructured 'home' a bit as well.

'home' is up, but unfinished

splash page completed, for now. i hope to join some other webrings in the future.

webrings and widgets

i am demonic ★

Transmasculine Pride Webring

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